Valentine's Day is a day to make your partner and your relationship shine. Making your loved one feel special should be an everyday event, but Valentine's Day should be particularly romantic.
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Candy and flowers are often a romantic staple for Valentine's Day, but even the darkest of chocolates can get boring after 10 years of receiving the same thing over and over again. Think outside that candy box and get creative. Ask yourself what her hobbies are and what are some of the things that truly make her happy. Take those answers and go from there. Don't take something off the list just because it is simple. Consider the small things and the large ones alike.
Flashy jewelry and dozens of roses are not the only things that can make your lady happy on Valentine's Day. More often, it's the things that you do for her, rather than the things you buy for her that make her feel loved. It takes little to no thought to purchase flowers, but some serious thought and creativity are needed to give a gift that's truly from the heart.
Love Notes
Love notes are usually written when relationships are young and new. For Valentine's Day, a personal love letter is one of the most thoughtful gifts you can give. In the note, mention things that are specific to your relationship. Keep your most wonderful memories alive through this romantic gift.
If writing is not your style, try other small things that mean a lot. How would your wife or girlfriend react if she walked into a completely clean and spotless home after work? A simple day of cleaning is one easy way to let a woman know how much you love her. You can even pay someone to come to the house and clean while she is away. For a finishing touch, leave flowers and a card for her on the clean dining table.
The Unexpected
For those that have been married for years, sometimes doing something new is in order. Sign both of you up for a cooking or dance class. Classes are a romantic and joyful way for couples to spend time together learning a new skill.
Plan a picnic or a weekend getaway. Check with her boss and make sure it's OK for her to take off early on a Friday. Get her things packed and pick her up from work with a surprise trip.
Knowledge Is Power
When it comes to romance, you know your partner the best. Think about the things you have done in the past that have made her happy and do variations those things. If you know she enjoyed getting art supplies for her studio, get her a basket filled with flowers and art supplies and a homemade card.
If you can't take her away for the weekend, give her a day at the spa. You can purchase a gift certificate for her to have a massage before you take her out to a romantic dinner. ou can even go into the spa with her and get a massage together.
Whatever you do, keep her and her happiness in mind and you will create a romantic Valentine's Day for two.